Nylt Patch Placement

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Nylt Patch Placement' title='Nylt Patch Placement' />Nylt Patch PlacementNylt Patch PlacementBoy Scout Uniform. Comments Feb 1. 9, 2. Julie Schmidt. Just trying to locate where anywhere says, when female leaders are supposed to wear uniforms. Feb 2. 0, 2. 01. 2 Scouter Paul. Julie the official uniform should be worn to all troop meetings, formal events, and all suitable occasions. Nylt Patch Placement' title='Nylt Patch Placement' />You wont find a list of all instances where a uniform should be worn because such a list would be impossible to make. It doesnt matter if the person is male or female. Feb 2. 1, 2. 01. 2 Scout mom, old fashioned This is a great page to show the uniforn, but I cant help but wonder why a role model would be pictured with hands in pockets. I try to teach my sons that it shows poor manners to stand thus. It has to do with how one carries oneself, for instance if one is going to a job interview. I googled it and found it in Wikipedias Dutch customs and ettiquette. Imagine that  I was raised in a Dutch household, so perhaps that is why this choice of photo struck me as odd on the boy scout website. Perhaps it was cold wherever  the photo was taken. Am I the only parent who reminds my sons to take your hands out of your pocketsWhen servicemen and women have their full length photographs taken in uniform for their records, they must stand at attention in their uniform, no hands in pockets. I would love to see a young man in uniform here, proudly showing how to properly wear his attire, standing up straight and tall with hands at his sides. I believe that in speech and debate classes, students are taught about body language, standing straight, and exuding confidence, all great qualities for Boy Scouts to learn. If youre going to dress properly in your uniform, then you should stand properly in it too. May 3. 1, 2. 01. 2 Michele Anderson. My son earned the Religious knot in Cub Scouts. Will this remain on his uniform above the left pocketI cant find any information on it any where. The troop leader isnt positive. PLEASE NOTE Orders are typically shipped the weekend following payment due to weekly business travel. We will email scheduled shipment date upon order placement. If you have an idea please let me know. Otherwise I am leaving it on. Thank you. May 3. Scouter Paul. Michele Yes, a religious emblem earned as a Cub Scout can be worn on a Boy Scout uniform. See the Religious Emblem award in the Awards area for more info. Jul 1. 2, 2. 01. 2 advancement lady. I need to know the difference between the hook on pocket patches and the temporary patches that are sewn onto the right pocket. I know World Conservation and NYLT can be worn on the right pocket what about the National Outdoor patch. Where does that go Jul 1. Scouter Paul. Adv Lady medals and square knot emblems are displayed above the left shirt pocket. Pretty much all patches associated with awards and recognition including Natl Outdoor Badges are temporary patches which means the scout can display 1 at a time centered on his right pocket. It doesnt matter if the patch is sewn on or hung from a plastic holder. Temporary patches may also be displayed on a red vest, campfire robe, blanket, special neckerchief, wall plaque, trophy hide, or on the back of the merit badge sash. Jul 1. 4, 2. 01. 2 Elizabeth Keegan When is it appropriate to wear the merit badge sash, and should the kerchief be worn at the same time If other badges are  put on the other side of the sash, when is that side ever displayed Jul 1. Skydrive Mac Os X 10.6 8 more. Scouter Paul. Elizabeth the sash can be worn whenever the uniform is worn. But, it is typically worn to more formal events such as courts of honor or ceremonies. The neckerchief is always worn as part of the uniform, if the troop has decided that a neckerchief is to be worn that is one part of the uniform that each individual troop gets to decide on. Wearing a neckerchief or sash do not relate to each other at all. If patches are sewn onto the back of the sash, that is the part that is visible on the scouts back not the inside of the sash. Aug 0. 8, 2. 01. 2 Josie Becker. Am beginning to put mbs on sons sash. Where do the mb patches go Is there a specific point to begin placing them how many go in each row Also do you place them in random order or by color or theme or date earnedNylt Patch PlacementAug 0. Scouter Paul. Josie Merit badges are sewn on the sash in rows of 3 or 2, in any order, usually starting at the top front. When the front half is full, additional merit badges can be sewn on the back half of the sash. If the scout wears a longsleeved uniform shirt, he can display up to 6 merit badges in 3 rows of 2 badges, just above the right cuff. Aug 1. 1, 2. 01. 2 colleen. I am a new committee member and dont know where to put my committee member badge on my Class A uniform. Right or left sleeve. Please advise. Aug 1. Scouter Paul. Colleen If you read this page, youll see theres a link to Male and Female Leader Uniform Inspection sheet. Just click that and get all the info you need. Aug 2. 9, 2. 01. 2 Jamie. I need to sew merit badges on my sons sash. I am not sure of the order to put them in. Ive been told. to sew them 3 across and the silver close to the heart but. I saw a picture. Aug 3. Scouter Paul. Jamie theres a picture on this page showing how badges can be sewn on. There is no required order its up to the scout. Oct 0. 7, 2. 01. 2 Curt. You stated with the Centennial Uniform the Troop Numbers went green. The picture below that statement, shows a Scouter with the Red numbers on his uniform. I have heard we are going back to the Red Numbers. If I am going to buy my son a new Scouting Uniform, what color numbers would you recommend Oct 0. Scouter Paul. Curt If he is in Cub Scouts or Venturing, get the white on red numerals. If he is in Boy Scouts, get the green on khaki numerals. Oct 1. 1, 2. 01. 2 Jennifer. Thank you so much for this wonderful page I have a question, though my sons troop has a patch that gives our townstate, the TROOP 3. Its all one patch. Can you tell me where you think this should go I think I remember seeing it on the front left pocket of one of the other scouts uniforms, but am not sure now. Thank you Oct 1. Scouter Paul. Jennifer That sounds like a custom unit numeral patch and should go on the left sleeve where unit numerals normally go. But, maybe your son could ask his Sr. Boy Scout uniform and badge placement. Uniform details, price changes, and other scouting gear is found at ScoutStuff. Org and you can now purchase online. Patrol Leader or Scoutmaster to find out for sure. Oct 1. 3, 2. 01. 2 Michelle Kitchens. My son completed NYLT this summer. He made a big deal about completing the requirements to get the pin. He received the pin with no information for where to place it on his uniform, or if he can even wear it on his uniform. Our troop is new and he is the first to get the pin. Oct 1. 4, 2. 01. 2 Scouter Paul. Michelle Congratulations to your son. NYLT offers a patch which is a temporary patch. As such, it can be worn centered on the right pocket. One temporary patch at a time is supposed to be worn there. As far as I know, the NYLT pin is something specific to your council and the pin is pinned to the NYLT patch. See samoset. orgtrainingdocumentsNYLTPin. Letterand. App. 20. Nov 0. 7, 2. 01. 2 heather. My son has just made first class. I see some boys wear their New Scout and Tenderfoot badges on the back side of their merit badge sash. Is this correct Or is there other suggestions of what to do with these rank badges Nov 0. Scouter Paul. Heather Old rank badges do NOT go on the merit badge sash. This is specifically stated in the BSA Guide to Awards and Insignia. They can be shown off on a patch vest, hide, or blanket. Or, just kept in a box. Nov 2. 0, 2. 01. 2 Georgiana Van Syckle.