Portal 2 Cracked

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AqtqHI33f88/maxresdefault.jpg' alt='Portal 2 Cracked' title='Portal 2 Cracked' />Portal 2 CrackedVideo Game Easter Eggs We Wish Were Never Found Classic. Weve talked a bit about strange things you can find in World of Warcraftbefore, but who are we to resist writing about what is, essentially, a haunted castle from a previous game How many of you know more about the history of this castle than World War IContinue Reading Below. Before World of Warcraft there were Warcraft games, a series of non MMORPG strategy games focusing on the war between humans and orcs. On Wo. W there is an area called the Ruins of Lordaeron over the undead capital, and inside the main castle looking area, you can find an abandoned throne room. If you listen very closely that is, crank the ambient sound volume slider to the max, you can hear some spooky, disembodied voices On top of that, if you go just outside the castle into Lordaerons courtyard and use the detect invisibility spell, you can actually see the ghosts of the former townspeople wandering around. Portal 2 Cracked' title='Portal 2 Cracked' />They look like blue farts, basically. Continue Reading Below. These could just be random video game ghosts, but theyre not Theres a whole back story here. Those ghostly voices we just showed you actually come from the opening and closing cinematics of the human campaign in Warcraft III. Cracked Rear View is Hootie the Blowfishs most successful album. Looking For Resources To Bluestacks more. It was the highestselling album of 1995, with 10. Shop David Bowies new album Blackstar in his official store. The annual SEMA Show is the place to find the latest in automotive aftermarket. Each year automotive professionals from around the globe descend on Las Vegas to show. If youre walking around feeling good about feeling bad, dont worry, thats good for you. Storm Over The Pacific Patch. Portal 2 Cracked' title='Portal 2 Cracked' />The throne belongs to an old character called King Menethil, and Lordaeron itself, before turning into ruins, was a main setting in Warcraft II and III. It turns out that the ghostly whispers are actually replaying the catastrophe that doomed the city. The whispers about the tides of darkness and all that Thats King Menethil being warned that his son, Prince Arthas also from the Warcraft games, is gonna fuck everything up for everyone. The rest of it is Arthas later returning home after being possessed by something called the Lich King and stabbing the shit out of his own dad. After that, the undead kinda came in and set up shop underneath the abandoned city and killed off all the remaining humans that were still there and in the surrounding area, hence all the ghosts and shit. Arthas, your skin is totally bloodless and your armor is covered in skulls. Are you planning to murder everyoneBe honest. Continue Reading Below. The point is that throne room is where ArthasLich King betrayed King Menethil and the rest of humanity and set in motion the events that caused pretty much every problem in World of Warcraft. Getty. So if youre wondering who to blame for your sleepless nights and Cheetos stained fingers, now you know. Maxwell Yezpitelok lives in Chile and likes to waste his time writing back to scammers or making stupid comics. Vodafone Ghana Modem Software on this page. Ashe recently wrote a short story for a charity book that you can buy here. For more of his stuff, check out Weird Shit Blog and Bad Metaphors. For more Easter egg hunting, check out 1. Mind Blowing Easter Eggs Hidden in Famous Albums and 7 Insane Easter Eggs Hidden in Movies and TV Shows. And stop by Link. STORM to help get over the Mondays. Portal-mac-osx.jpg' alt='Portal 2 Cracked' title='Portal 2 Cracked' />And dont forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get sexy, sexy jokes sent straight to your news feed. Do you have an idea in mind that would make a great article Then sign up for our writers workshop Do you possess expert skills in image creation and manipulation Mediocre Even rudimentaryAre you frightened by MS Paint and simply have a funny idea You can create an infograpic and you could be on the front page of Cracked.